
"Change and growth take place when a person has risked herself and dares to become involved with experimenting with her own life."
- Herbert Otto
"Change and growth take place when a person has risked herself and dares to become involved with experimenting with her own life."
- Herbert Otto
This was a special afternoon. The light was dreamy, a slight breeze kept those pesky mosquitoes (mostly) at bay, and Rebecca and Evan brought the love. It was my first engagement session at Chatfield Resevoir, and I will be back. The car was a sweet bonus (more about that later). How fun to play with a Model A!
I found out that the pink tree is, indeed, a type of magnolia... a Jane Magnolia. I love it! Its pink blooms have given me (and many passersby) a smile this warm March.
This is my first spring in my (relatively) new apartment, and I was delighted to see these bloom in my front yard. I've been a bit obsessed. They remind me of Virginia; like a miniature pink magnolia. The bees are having a party.
Cheers! Liz
Lisa and Ryan married in the Maroon Bells Amphitheater; a splendid setting indeed. Lovely people in a beautiful scene... who could ask for more?
There's a tiny laundromat nearby that I've always wanted to use as a backdrop for photos. I'm often amused by the unlikely combinations found in fashion magazines...carefully coiffed models seemingly stranded in a small town, waiting for their car to be fixed... in each shot they have a new designer outfit and hair style. Instead of absurd wardrobe changes, I gave absurd direction: "You're Canadian" "You are reading the Economist and wondering if your shoes are tied" "You're perfectly comfortable in this cart" We had a grand time.
Last week I attended WPPI for the first time. WPPI, you ask? More than 15,000 photographers gathered in Las Vegas for one of the industry's largest trade shows. Hopped-up on caffeine, sleep-deprivation, and creative inspiration, I made my way to the desert for the "We Bring the Sun" event (With Etiquette). On the bus ride, I met Lynn (Lynn in Love Photo). We had an impromptu portrait session in the early light. Then we listened to Jesh de Rox, Kelli Schaefer, and The Ravishers. Excellent and incongruent. A rare experience of visual and auditory beauty with an intimate crowd. So good.
(From my cell phone) Saw this guy on a walk in the Congress Park neighborhood yesterday. I smiled.