"May my soul bloom in love for all existence." ~ Rudolph Steiner

"May my soul bloom in love for all existence." ~ Rudolph Steiner
Today I'm remembering the ones who left the material world this year... with a lot of love, and gratitude for their grace and gifts to us. They won't be forgotten.
Fall is my favorite time of year, and we couldn't have asked for a better day for Becca and Evan's Vail valley wedding. The air was crisp, yet warm, and everyone was overjoyed to celebrate the happy couple. There was laughter, tears of joy, delectable dining (thanks Vista!), and inspired moves on the dance floor.
A big thank you to Tess Polivka for your assistance... you rock!
I'm a fan of café culture. Sipping coffee at a leisurely pace, in a beautiful space... it's a form of meditation for me. I'm often accompanied by a book, a friend, journal, or all of the above. Slowing down, connecting, reflecting. It gives my monkey brain a container for dreaming, for seeing past my external circumstances. Where do you dream?
"How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days." -John Burroughs
How will you light and color your days?
"Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we will be able to treat life as art." - Maya Angelou
This was a special afternoon. The light was dreamy, a slight breeze kept those pesky mosquitoes (mostly) at bay, and Rebecca and Evan brought the love. It was my first engagement session at Chatfield Resevoir, and I will be back. The car was a sweet bonus (more about that later). How fun to play with a Model A!
I miss this view!
"Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems." - Rilke
These two were fun to photograph. Silly and sassy, a style all their own, and some inside jokes that didn't need words.
I love cake. There, I said it. It's one of my favorite elements of a wedding day. I love the decadence, the (often) innovative designs, and a sugar rush at the end of a long day. I won a cake decorating lesson at a silent auction. I was curious, and my friend Caroline joined me. Julia taught us how to: level the cakes, frost, and add colorful accents. We had a laissez-faire style and, in the end, our cakes had a Dr. Seuss quality... colorful, a little wacky, and fun. I have an even greater respect now for those elegant towers of confection.
V. 1. To emit light.2. To be bright by reflection of light 3. To distinguish oneself in an activity or a field; excel. 4. To be immediately apparent: Delight shone in her eyes.
Inspired by Sue Bryce, I have combined her excellent posing cues with my love of natural light. The result: consistently finding my client's inner shine in their portraits. I love that!
This is my first spring in my (relatively) new apartment, and I was delighted to see these bloom in my front yard. I've been a bit obsessed. They remind me of Virginia; like a miniature pink magnolia. The bees are having a party.
I loved discovering the many faces of Ari. One word: Adorable.
I'm really excited to see my first fine art wedding album printed... it's going to be gorgeous! Here's one of the first spreads in the album.
Cheers! Liz
Lisa and Ryan married in the Maroon Bells Amphitheater; a splendid setting indeed. Lovely people in a beautiful scene... who could ask for more?