
"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul." - John Muir
"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul." - John Muir
Friends recently gathered to celebrate a birthday, and learn a little more about the art of wine tasting. It was the perfect combination of weather, food and company that made for a memorable summer night. I hope there are many more to come. Happy summer! Cheers.
Carolyn is lovely and easy to photograph... but what made our brief session extra special was our location. We used the empty rooms of her home as our studio. Carolyn and her husband are expecting their second son shortly, and they are moving to accommodate their growing family. It was four days before closing, and a chance to say goodbye to the home where it all began.
"Wherever you go, go with all your heart." - Confucius
There's a tiny laundromat nearby that I've always wanted to use as a backdrop for photos. I'm often amused by the unlikely combinations found in fashion magazines...carefully coiffed models seemingly stranded in a small town, waiting for their car to be fixed... in each shot they have a new designer outfit and hair style. Instead of absurd wardrobe changes, I gave absurd direction: "You're Canadian" "You are reading the Economist and wondering if your shoes are tied" "You're perfectly comfortable in this cart" We had a grand time.
Last month I had the pleasure of photographing Nicole and Jackson's intimate fall wedding. Denver's Confluence Park was the setting for their nuptials. They are a captivating couple, and they have lovely family and friends to boot. Hugs and smiles all around... a simple, sweet and elegant affair. It was the kind of day that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside, and reminds you of the basic goodness of life. Cheers to you!
Happy Bastille day! Cheers. Liz
The smell of cut grass is in the air and my ceiling fans are working overtime... it's summer! (almost) This shoot was lastAugust... and so cute I had to post them. My friend Robin, and her lovely daughter Nalia, were the subject of some mother/daughter photo fun. We (I say "we" very loosely) watered the garden, harvested some Swiss Chard, and played in the fountain at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. So much fun! Robin is expecting her second... can't wait to play with the wee babe!
"Laughter is carbonated holiness." - Anne Lamott
I'm honored to have a brilliant cast of women in my life, who play many roles for people in their lives...
Today I honor all the ways we lovingly tend to each other in our generosity, listening, presence, courage, mindful words, and laughter.
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." - Rumi
This holiday season I've been feeling a little exposed, silly, and off-kilter... much like the first impression of this wee Christmas tree. To my chagrin, I'd started to simmer in the pressure of holiday expectations - drat. I revisited the sweet shrub, and it was a Christmas miracle! My head and heart softened with the absurdity of it all. I began to wonder about all the people who had lovingly decorated and viewed it (who put on the teeth?!). In turn, I was reminded of my own community who celebrate and decorate life with me - a true gift of brilliant folks who turn the mundane into magic. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Hanging with a two-year-old definitely puts the world in perspective. Recently I spent some time with Aiden, said 2 yr. old, and his cool dad John. I am always reminded by kids to relax... to chill, and enjoy the moment. There's no agenda... just good times with a ball that's seen better days, a wad of Play-doh, and the silly faces his dad makes. Initially shy, he cheerfully forgot and ran circles around the yard, his dad, and me.
Good times indeed.
And he's off! Go, little man, go.
I love finding treasures in unusual places. One of my favorite things to do is stroll with no particular destination... which usually involves an alley or two. Alleys offer unique opportunities for photographic adventure - garage murals, unintentional gardens, forgotten furniture... a hidden world. Recently, my lovely friend Lindsay agreed to meander on a Sunday afternoon.
Recently, in this busy wedding season, I found a nice chunk of time to visit mi madre. It was time peppered with slow southern things like: sitting on her screened-in porch and watching birds, going through childhood keepsakes, playing in the waves, laughter, visiting family friends, any many (many!) delicious meals. A really lovely vacation. Thanks mom. XO
Yeah! It's finally here. My new spot in cyberspace to show my photos, chat with my photography peeps, and generally take on photography in a new way. I have a blog. Woah. Who would've thought? (Todd, I know you had your doubts) Anyhoo, glad to be here. Glad YOU'RE here. So, welcome. Bienvenue.
I'd like to take this opportunity to officially thank some important (and talented!) people who've helped me get here. Of course, dear family and friends, you've been invaluable to helping support/shape me. Bless you. But, today, I'd like to acknowledge all the photography folks who've helped me with my dream of being a photographer. You've cheered me on, inspired me with your own photography, let me borrow your fancy equipment, answered my (often) redundant questions, and sometimes hounded me to get on with it, and just jump in already!
A heartfelt thanks to: Judy Holmes ( for your kind words of encouragement, generosity, and practical advice Rex Keep: you let me tag along to my first wedding, encouraged me, and gave me a few of my first photography gigs Robin Proctor ( you helped me to relax with your easy style and laughter, and reminded me not to take myself too seriously M. Todd Thiele ( Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You've inspired me, pushed me, and also have been incredibly patient. This blog's for you! Paige Eden ( so glad to know you, grateful to work with you, thanks for everything!
XO, Liz