New site... finally!
Yeah! It's finally here. My new spot in cyberspace to show my photos, chat with my photography peeps, and generally take on photography in a new way. I have a blog. Woah. Who would've thought? (Todd, I know you had your doubts) Anyhoo, glad to be here. Glad YOU'RE here. So, welcome. Bienvenue.
I'd like to take this opportunity to officially thank some important (and talented!) people who've helped me get here. Of course, dear family and friends, you've been invaluable to helping support/shape me. Bless you. But, today, I'd like to acknowledge all the photography folks who've helped me with my dream of being a photographer. You've cheered me on, inspired me with your own photography, let me borrow your fancy equipment, answered my (often) redundant questions, and sometimes hounded me to get on with it, and just jump in already!
A heartfelt thanks to: Judy Holmes ( for your kind words of encouragement, generosity, and practical advice Rex Keep: you let me tag along to my first wedding, encouraged me, and gave me a few of my first photography gigs Robin Proctor ( you helped me to relax with your easy style and laughter, and reminded me not to take myself too seriously M. Todd Thiele ( Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You've inspired me, pushed me, and also have been incredibly patient. This blog's for you! Paige Eden ( so glad to know you, grateful to work with you, thanks for everything!
XO, Liz