Cynthia's Juju...
It's February and frigid! (-14 last night) Brrr! I'm sitting with a warm cup of tea in my hands, and thinking about my to-do list. Normally, a heavy sigh would follow. So many goals... how to keep it all sorted out, and moving forward? Then I remembered an ingenious technique that my friend Cynthia showed me... "mind mapping." Cynthia Morris is a writer, coach, and bonne vivante extraordinaire. As I sat in brief overwhelm this morning, I was reminded of the technique. A few minutes with a pen and notebook... and voila! The clutter was out of my head, and a clear path of action was on paper. You can learn about mind mapping and other helpful tips for living a creative life on her website www.original I love the Juju Infusion videos... that's where you'll learn about mind mapping and so much more.
Here are a few photos of Cynthia from the fall.